Worship in the midst of afflictions

In life, we face many storms. Being a Christian does not exempt us from facing hardships. The Bible tells us that in this world we shall have tribulations. During our walk with God, we come across difficulties, across many trials and sorrows. Different people go through different things at different times, and even those whoContinueContinue reading “Worship in the midst of afflictions”

The righteous keep moving forward

Moving forward is difficult and requires a lot of strength. Most people tend to get stuck in the past. As human beings we go through many different experiences in life, some of which are very painful. Rejection, hurt, betrayal, abuse of all kinds, loss of different types, family crisis, break-ups and divorce, diseases and illnesses,ContinueContinue reading “The righteous keep moving forward”

Faith without works is dead

The Bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is what enables a believer to take in the Word of God and believe that the Bible is indeed God’s Word, breathed and inspired by Him. Faith is the confidence in what we hope for and the assurance about what weContinueContinue reading “Faith without works is dead”

Come into agreement with God

We have to reach a point in our lives where we come into agreement with God. We come into agreement with His Word and His plan for our lives. We have to reach a point where we completely die to self and let God have His way in our lives. God knows best and HeContinueContinue reading “Come into agreement with God”

Faith pleases God

Without faith it is impossible to please God. It pleases God when His children live by faith. Faith requires walking by and standing on God’s Word. Faith requires us to believe that what God says will indeed happen and that His Word is true. It is by faith that we believe what we have notContinueContinue reading “Faith pleases God”