The Spirit of Rejection

The spirit of rejection is a demonic spirit. It is an oppressive spirit that makes people live beneath their God-given capacity. The spirit of rejection makes a person feel like an outsider; like they do not fit in. When a person is under the oppression of the spirit of rejection, they feel unwanted, unappreciated, undesired,ContinueContinue reading “The Spirit of Rejection”

The spirit of shame

The spirit of shame makes you feel like there is something wrong with you. It makes you feel as if you are not good enough. Shame is a deep-seated sense of unworthiness. You feel like you are not valuable and like people do not like you, and that makes you try hard to compensate forContinueContinue reading “The spirit of shame”

The tragedy of carnal Christians

Carnality is common among Christians in the world today. Nowadays, it is very difficult to distinguish Christians from people of the world because many look the same. Their way of life is similar, their actions and speech are similar, their lifestyles are similar. If you say that you are a Christian yet someone can easilyContinueContinue reading “The tragedy of carnal Christians”


Humility is important in life. We live in a world full of proud, arrogant, and haughty people. Many people look down on others, consider themselves better, and treat others in very demeaning ways. There are many who associate humility with weakness, and in an effort to appear strong or confident, they end up becoming proudContinueContinue reading “Humility”

Overcoming People-Pleasing

People-pleasing is a form of bondage. A people-pleaser usually makes decisions based on other people’s opinions. The behavior of a people-pleaser is influenced by their family, friends, and society at large. People-pleasing refers to altering your behavior, words, actions, and attitudes in a way that conforms to societal expectations in an effort to be likedContinueContinue reading “Overcoming People-Pleasing”

Overcoming Rudeness

Rudeness is a big problem in the world today. We live in a world full of rude people, including Christians. Rudeness refers to lack of courtesy, lack of manners, disrespect, incivility, impertinence. Rudeness is when a person treats another in a manner that degrades and puts down that person. Rudeness can be expressed in words,ContinueContinue reading “Overcoming Rudeness”

Do Not Be A Haughty Christian

Haughtiness is a condition of the heart whereby people elevate themselves and consider themselves better than others. A haughty person is proud and arrogant. Haughtiness makes it difficult for a person to accept correction and instruction. Haughty people think that they know better, that they are better people, that they have better ideas, that theirContinueContinue reading “Do Not Be A Haughty Christian”

The Sin Of Pride

Pride is destructive. Lucifer was cast out of heaven because of pride; he rebelled and wanted to be like God. “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend intoContinueContinue reading “The Sin Of Pride”

Importance Of Self-Control

Self-control is the ability to hold back and respond to situations in the appropriate manner. It is the ability to have control over your emotions, words, attitudes, and actions and not react impulsively. Self-control is very important in life, especially for a Christian. Without self-control, you will live a careless and impulsive life and youContinueContinue reading “Importance Of Self-Control”

Overcoming Anger

The Bible says, be angry and do not sin, do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil. We live in a world full of angry people. Many people have been wounded in life and have turned on to anger as a defense mechanism. Others say that beingContinueContinue reading “Overcoming Anger”

The blessings of the Lord maketh rich

The one who God blesses is blessed indeed. When God blesses, the blessings come with peace and joy, and there is no sorrow associated with them. When you learn to wait patiently upon the Lord, and surrender to His will and His best for you, then with time you will reap good fruits and getContinueContinue reading “The blessings of the Lord maketh rich”

Finishing is better than starting

The Bible says that the end of a matter is better than its beginning. We need to be careful that we do not start well but end the wrong way. There are many people who started off well but along the way fall off. Our walk with God is a daily walk; we have toContinueContinue reading “Finishing is better than starting”

Do not avenge yourself; God will repay

We live in a fallen world, and we can be sure that at some point we will meet people who will hurt us, offend us, and sin against us. People usually lean towards sin since birth, until and unless they encounter Jesus Christ, who empowers us by His Spirit to live a life that isContinueContinue reading “Do not avenge yourself; God will repay”

They love the praise of men more than the praise of God

There are people who value the praise and validation of people to such an extent that they end up compromising their relationship with God. This world has many cares and pleasures, and if we are not careful, it is very easy to get carried away. At times we can get so immersed in the pursuitContinueContinue reading “They love the praise of men more than the praise of God”

Peace in the midst of life’s storms

Storms are part of life. Life in this world is not smooth. We live in a fallen world full of fallen human beings. Since the fall of Adam, human beings are born with a sinful nature. We have a propensity towards sin since birth, until we encounter Jesus Christ. During our life on earth, weContinueContinue reading “Peace in the midst of life’s storms”

In the last days people will be lovers of self

We are living in the last days. The Bible makes it clear how the last days will be, and much of what was prophesied is coming to pass. Everything written in the Scripture will eventually come to pass. God’s Word is true and never changes. As believers in Christ Jesus, we are to be guidedContinueContinue reading “In the last days people will be lovers of self”

God honors those who honor Him

The sons of Eli were corrupt and their sin was very great before the Lord, yet, Eli restrained them not. They did not honor the offering/sacrifice of the Lord. They did evil in the sight of the Lord. Because they did not honor God, neither did God honor them. A man of God came toContinueContinue reading “God honors those who honor Him”

It is what comes out of the mouth that defiles a person

What comes out of your mouth? There are many people who claim to be ‘good’ yet when they speak, they spit poison from their mouths. It is easy for people to put on a mask and pretend to be who they are not, but their fruits reveal who they really are. Many people will doContinueContinue reading “It is what comes out of the mouth that defiles a person”

Fear and control

Control is rooted in fear. Our desire to control things and people comes from wanting to know the outcome of a certain situation. We think that if we can control people and circumstances, then we can control the outcome. Uncertainty brings anxiety to many people. The unknown seems fearful. Because of that, many people likeContinueContinue reading “Fear and control”


Waiting is difficult, it requires a lot of inner strength. It is difficult to wait for the physical manifestation of our desires into our lives. It is difficult knowing that we want something, but that something is yet to come, and because of that, we have to wait. It is even harder when we knowContinueContinue reading “Waiting”