Fear God

Many people in the world are usually more concerned with human approval than doing what pleases God. People are living their lives the way they want to with no regard to what God says in His Word. People are busy doing things that have no eternal significance. Too many people are lost but they doContinueContinue reading “Fear God”

If you love God, keep His commandments

There are many people who claim to love God yet they do not obey His commandments. There are many who claim to be God’s children yet their lives testify otherwise. Saying you love God with words only does not mean much. We live in a world whereby out of people’s mouths come empty words andContinueContinue reading “If you love God, keep His commandments”

The truth is offensive to many

Many people do not like to face the truth. The world has programmed many people into believing lies that are usually presented as if they are truth, yet it is a counterfeit. Many people like living their lives in a comfortable manner doing whatever they want, and do not like to hear anything that mayContinueContinue reading “The truth is offensive to many”

The face of the Lord is against those who do evil

The world is stained with sin. There is too much deception going on in the world. Nowadays it is common for people to call evil good, and good evil. There are many people who call themselves Christians yet their lives prove otherwise. Many people indulge in sin yet they still attend church regularly. There areContinueContinue reading “The face of the Lord is against those who do evil”

Do not blame others for your sin

We live in a world where many people do not take responsibility for their actions. It is a world where people like blaming others for the type of lifestyle they live. A person living a lustful life will blame other people because of how those people are dressed. Many people do not like examining themselvesContinueContinue reading “Do not blame others for your sin”

Set apart

During the age that we live in, it is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between a Christian and a person of the world. Many people who call themselves Christians are living in the same way as the world does; their lifestyle is no different from that of a worldly person. We have become a compromisingContinueContinue reading “Set apart”

A dog returns to his own vomit

The Bible tells us that just like a dog returns to his vomit, so does a fool return to his folly. Whenever we come to the knowledge of truth and then choose to go against the Word of God, we are likened to a clean pig who returns to the mud. For if, after theyContinueContinue reading “A dog returns to his own vomit”

A constantly dripping tap

When a tap is constantly dripping, not only is a lot of water wasted, but the constant drip becomes an annoyance. A tap dripping day and night is costly and it leads to irritation. When that tap is finally repaired, we come to first realize the cost we have incurred for the water wasted, andContinueContinue reading “A constantly dripping tap”

Receive God’s Love

God is love. He loves us. We do not have to earn God’s love, He loves us in Christ Jesus. His love endures forever. God hates sin and His desire is for sinners to repent. God loved the world so much that He sent His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him shallContinueContinue reading “Receive God’s Love”

Obedience is better than sacrifice

God’s Word is truth. God says what He means and means what He says. We try to rationalize things of God to fit our own descriptions. We lie to ourselves that we can go around God’s Word and use it for our gain, we think we can twist what He says to fit our circumstances.ContinueContinue reading “Obedience is better than sacrifice”

Where would you end up if you died the next minute?

Would you end up in heaven or hell? We have been deceived. Most of us live a lie. We think we have a ‘full life ahead’ of us and so we indulge in everything there is in this world. We live for the now. We say and do whatever we want, we treat people howeverContinueContinue reading “Where would you end up if you died the next minute?”


Emotions are associated with feelings. Most of the time we allow ourselves to be led by what we feel; at times we feel tired, we feel sad, we feel angry, we feel rejected, we feel unwanted, we feel unworthy, we feel depressed, and many other negative feelings. Then, there are the positive feelings; feeling happy,ContinueContinue reading “Emotions”